Tuesday, July 8, 2008


She was named by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 most influential person of the century, wrote dozen+ books and countless articles, travel all over the world, met 12 U.S. Presidents and yet she was born blind- Helen Keller was once asked by a reporter, "What is worse that being born blind?", she answered "... having sight without a vision."

Vision is a picture of a desired reality in the future. It is more than sight it's seeing the future with your mind and heart. For the visionary, it is more than a future expectation but a present reality. It's not just what you want to be but what you live today. It's not daydreaming it's living the dream each day.

Vision is so important that the Bible mentioned "...without vision, people perish", and "write down the vision...make it plain...it will come to pass..".

That's why we need a good, God-inspired vision for our life, family, work, and society.

My personal vision:

To be the best follower of Jesus that I could be...
To be the best husband that I could be to my wife...
To be the best father that I could be to my children...
To be the best minister of the Gospel that I could be...
...By Honoring God and Making Disciples...

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