Sunday, June 29, 2008

CECFC-Not just an Organization, but a living Organism

CECFC was started 11 years ago by a retiree named Fe Muriel with a vision to uplift the physical, moral, and spiritual condition of the poorest children of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. She initiated a feeding program in one Elementary School. Part of the program is not just the free lunch served for the pupils but the teaching of Bible lessons to them. In this way, children are nourished both physically and spiritually.

After a decade of feeding, reaching, and teaching, the remote communities were touched and lives were enriched through the work of CECFC.

Today, Child Evangelism and Christian Feeding Center (CECFC) serves to four different locations, catering to 350 indigent children of Ilocos Norte(Paltit and Ar-arusip of Badoc,Carasi) and Ilocos Sur(Cabarambanan,Sinait) feeding them with free lunch 3x a week and nourishing them with God's Word.

With deep gratitude, we commend all the volunteers and benefactors who untiringly worked and supported CECFC with great passion and compassion. Your prayers and labor of love makes CECFC more than just an organization but a living organism. Mabuhay po kayong lahat!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Keeping in Touch by Getting Connected (The Wonder of Technology)

It’s the year 1986 when I graduated from the High School (secondary level) of Great Plebeian College, town (now City) of Alaminos, Pangasinan, Philippines. Few months after, I went to Manila to pursue a college degree. For some reasons, I was not able to keep in touch with most of my high school friends. Alright, I have to admit (I feel getting old to say this…), our generation is of without mobile phones, very “rare” computers, and no world wide web. So, as years went by, gradually, as I was not deliberately “keeping in touch” with my “old” friends I came to a point when I almost totally got disconnected from them… Fast forward…late 90’s, “Y2k”, to the present… enter technology, gadgets, World Wide Web, etc.

It’s the year 2007, two of our classmates, got the idea to connect our former friends, classmates and batch mates through the web. Today, we are keeping in touch and getting connected(after 20 silent years). And we hope we’ll reach more of our friends.

To Mauro and Gil, thank you for keeping us in touch and getting us connected.
To the rest of “GPCBatch86”, keep in touch, get connected! Join the group!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Special Father's Day Celebration

It is June 15, 2008, Sunday morning. I woke up 5:45 am, washed myself to start a special day. My wife woke up next and together we prepare. We prepared our breakfast, my wife made sure our clothes are ready. Oh, not to forget, I read and pray in between these activities. We woke our children, ate breakfasts, prepare ...prepare...prepare. Now we're ready to go to church. We went to our worship place, have a great time praising and worshiping God and having fellowship with others. As a minister, I took time to encourage people with God's Word. We had a fresh encounter of God's presence and a greater knowledge of Him as our Father. The wives and kids did a heartwarming presentation to the great delight of the fathers watching. After church, we went out with another family and ate a delicious meal. We went back home, had a little nap, helped one of my sons do his lesson, watched television, watched the boys play computer games...then lay them to bed.

Before I bore you more with my "ordinary" day, let me jump forward by telling it is really, really, really a very special Father's Day for me! Here's why.

First, it's the fresh and loving presence of God the Father that I encountered this day. God made this day special for us fathers.

Second, it's my family-my loving and beautiful wife and our three full of dreams and energy world changers(boys). Our growing faith, hope, love and joy is fantastic.

Third, it's our friends, church members, others-people far and near, young and old, men and women, who always bless, encourage, and challenge me to be the best I could be as a person, husband, and a father.

I am so grateful for having a very special Father's Day!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fatherhood- Is such a "lonely" word???

"Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue...honesty, is hardly ever heard... and mostly what I need from you", comes from a song during the 70's or 80's and I would like to relate it to Fatherhood.

Fatherhood could be lonely or joyful...could be a source of truth or hypocrisy...could be a disdainful word or a badge of honor. But most of all would it be that Fatherhood is what every human needs in this world?

Fathers you might not be perfect, but you have a choice-a choice to the best father to your family. How? Let me make some suggestions...Give your best in knowing and serving God...give your best in faithfully loving your wife... give your best in providing, supporting and raising your the the best of who you are as a man, husband and a father. And it all starts in knowing God as your FATHER. As it was written, "Our Father in heaven..."

Personally, one of my greatest joy, next to becoming a Christian and a husband,is becoming a father of three kids. Yes,it entails a lot of love, patience, responsibility and sacrifice, but oww! what a joy fatherhood brings.

"Fatherhood is such a joyful word, every [father] can be true. Fatherhood can be a [famous] word and mostly what this world really needs."

Cheers to all fathers!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back to School...I mean Parents

The alarm rings before 6 a.m., it's time to prepare - breakfast, snacks, be sure all the things needed for school are ready, encourage (at high notes many times). Tell "have you taken your vitamins? have you brushed your teeth?, and so on. Speak prayer of blessings, and bade them goodbye... with a sigh and smile on your face. You go back on the bedroom, kitchen, living room, and fix the mess of those who just left... In the afternoon, you wait expectantly for them to come home (if you're not the one picking them up), be sure they changed clothes, you prepare their meals, and coach them in doing their lessons. And have a little fun time... then tucked them in the bed...

These are just some of what parents do...everyday! And that's why they are heroes, that's why they need to be honored. They are not perfect but heroic,loving, sacrificial. They are the first kind of people God appointed for the young to experience love.

To you parents whose kids are back to school, I salute you! Indeed the generations are blessed because of your love and sacrifices. Well in reality, as parents we never graduate from school - specially the School of LIFE!

Monday, June 9, 2008

There is more to Walking...

This afternoon, 5 p.m., June 9, 2008,I walked with 10 students all around the campus premises of Northwestern University-Laoag City, Philippines. We walked from one building to another, one Department to another. But it is more than walking and talking, what we did is more... it is "prayer walking". It is a way to speak and pray blessings (good things) over a place and its people. And Oh, how we enjoy doing it! So next time around, why don't you also try taking more than a walk, do "prayer walk".

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why Blade?

As I start this corner, I choose to name it Blade for various of reasons. Here are some of those:

First, blade is a powerful tool to cut through things that when it is used skillfully, it will hasten the work being done. I hope to become skillful in my writings.

Second, blade is two-sided. It can double it's efficiency and effectiveness.

And thirdly, It was said that "for the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword(blade), it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. I intend to integrate the Bible in my blogs to encourage and impart some life principles I learned.

So, there you are. Welcome to Blade's Corner.