Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Special Father's Day Celebration

It is June 15, 2008, Sunday morning. I woke up 5:45 am, washed myself to start a special day. My wife woke up next and together we prepare. We prepared our breakfast, my wife made sure our clothes are ready. Oh, not to forget, I read and pray in between these activities. We woke our children, ate breakfasts, prepare ...prepare...prepare. Now we're ready to go to church. We went to our worship place, have a great time praising and worshiping God and having fellowship with others. As a minister, I took time to encourage people with God's Word. We had a fresh encounter of God's presence and a greater knowledge of Him as our Father. The wives and kids did a heartwarming presentation to the great delight of the fathers watching. After church, we went out with another family and ate a delicious meal. We went back home, had a little nap, helped one of my sons do his lesson, watched television, watched the boys play computer games...then lay them to bed.

Before I bore you more with my "ordinary" day, let me jump forward by telling it is really, really, really a very special Father's Day for me! Here's why.

First, it's the fresh and loving presence of God the Father that I encountered this day. God made this day special for us fathers.

Second, it's my family-my loving and beautiful wife and our three full of dreams and energy world changers(boys). Our growing faith, hope, love and joy is fantastic.

Third, it's our friends, church members, others-people far and near, young and old, men and women, who always bless, encourage, and challenge me to be the best I could be as a person, husband, and a father.

I am so grateful for having a very special Father's Day!

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