Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fatherhood- Is such a "lonely" word???

"Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue...honesty, is hardly ever heard... and mostly what I need from you", comes from a song during the 70's or 80's and I would like to relate it to Fatherhood.

Fatherhood could be lonely or joyful...could be a source of truth or hypocrisy...could be a disdainful word or a badge of honor. But most of all would it be that Fatherhood is what every human needs in this world?

Fathers you might not be perfect, but you have a choice-a choice to the best father to your family. How? Let me make some suggestions...Give your best in knowing and serving God...give your best in faithfully loving your wife... give your best in providing, supporting and raising your the the best of who you are as a man, husband and a father. And it all starts in knowing God as your FATHER. As it was written, "Our Father in heaven..."

Personally, one of my greatest joy, next to becoming a Christian and a husband,is becoming a father of three kids. Yes,it entails a lot of love, patience, responsibility and sacrifice, but oww! what a joy fatherhood brings.

"Fatherhood is such a joyful word, every [father] can be true. Fatherhood can be a [famous] word and mostly what this world really needs."

Cheers to all fathers!

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