Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back to School...I mean Parents

The alarm rings before 6 a.m., it's time to prepare - breakfast, snacks, be sure all the things needed for school are ready, encourage (at high notes many times). Tell "have you taken your vitamins? have you brushed your teeth?, and so on. Speak prayer of blessings, and bade them goodbye... with a sigh and smile on your face. You go back on the bedroom, kitchen, living room, and fix the mess of those who just left... In the afternoon, you wait expectantly for them to come home (if you're not the one picking them up), be sure they changed clothes, you prepare their meals, and coach them in doing their lessons. And have a little fun time... then tucked them in the bed...

These are just some of what parents do...everyday! And that's why they are heroes, that's why they need to be honored. They are not perfect but heroic,loving, sacrificial. They are the first kind of people God appointed for the young to experience love.

To you parents whose kids are back to school, I salute you! Indeed the generations are blessed because of your love and sacrifices. Well in reality, as parents we never graduate from school - specially the School of LIFE!

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